Topic: A. Basic Science
Tissue Engineered Vascular Grafts Demonstrate Evidence of Growth and Development When Implanted in a Juvenile Animal Model
Matthew P Brennan, Alan Dardik, Narutoshi Habino, Jason D Roh, Gregory N Nelson, Xenophon Papademitris, Toshiharu Shinoka, Christopher K Breuer
Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT
The development of a living, autologous vascular graft with the ability to grow holds great promise for advancing the field of pediatric cardiothoracic surgery.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the growth potential of a tissue engineered vascular graft (TEVG) in a juvenile animal model.
METHODS: Polyglycolic acid non-woven mesh tubes (3cm length, 1.3 cm id; Concordia Fibers) coated with a 10% copolymer solution of 50:50 L-lactide and epsilon-caprolactone were statically seeded with 2 x10^6 cells/cm2 autologous bone marrow derived mononuclear cells (BM-MNCs). Eight TEVGs (7 seeded, 1 unseeded control) were implanted as inferior vena cava (IVC) interposition grafts in juvenile lambs. Subjects underwent monthly magnetic resonance angiography; (Siemens 1.5T) with vascular image analysis ( One of seven seeded grafts was explanted after one month, all others were explanted six months after implantation. Neotissue was characterized using qualitative histological stains and quantitative biochemical analysis.
RESULTS: All grafts explanted at 6 months were patent and increased in volume as measured by difference in pixel summation in MRA at 1 month and 6 months. The volume of seeded TEVGs at explant averaged 126.9% (SD=24.32). MRI demonstrated no evidence of aneurismal dilation. TEVG resembled the native IVC histologically and had comparable collagen (157.9 +/- 26.4 mcg/mg), elastin (186.9+/-16.7mcg/mg), and glycosaminoglycan (9.7+/-0.8mcg/mg) contents. Immunohistochemical staining and western blot analysis for Ephrin B4, a marker of venous development was expressed in the seeded grafts six months after implantation.
CONCLUSIONS: Tissue engineered vascular grafts demonstrate evidence of growth and development when implanted in a juvenile lamb model.