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Measuring Risk-adjusted Value Using Medicare and ACS-NSQIP: Is High Quality, Low Cost Surgical Care Achievable Everywhere?
Elise H Lawson*, David S. Zingmond*, Anne Stey*, Bruce Lee Hall*, Clifford Y Ko
UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA
Policymakers are currently focused on rewarding high value healthcare. Hospitals will increasingly be held accountable for both quality and cost. Our objective was to develop a risk-adjusted measure of “value” in surgery and to determine if cost and quality are associated.
Records (2005-2008) for all patients undergoing colectomy in the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (ACS-NSQIP) were linked to Medicare inpatient claims. Cost was derived from hospital payments by Medicare. Quality was derived from the occurrence of 30-day postoperative major complications and/or death as recorded in ACS-NSQIP. Risk-adjusted cost and quality metrics were developed using hierarchical multivariable modeling, consistent with National Quality Forum endorsed measures.
The study population included 14,401 colectomy patients in 166 hospitals. Average hospitalization cost was $21,435 (median $16,092, interquartile-range $15,118-$24,597). 27% of patients had a major complication and/or death. Among hospitals classified as high quality, 47% were found to be low cost (representing highest “value” hospitals) while 19% were high cost (p=0.020). Almost 40% of low quality hospitals were high cost. Highest “value” hospitals were a mix of teaching/non-teaching, small/large bedsize, and rural/urban location.
Using national ACS-NSQIP and Medicare data, this study reports an association between high quality and low cost surgical care. These results suggest that high “value” surgical care is being delivered in a wide spectrum of hospitals and hospital types.
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